Sample cloning Project here: Steps to create directories and files

Sample cloning Project here: You've described a series of steps to create directories and files. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create the main branch directory:

    mkdir MainBranch
    cd MainBranch
  2. Create Dir1 and Dir2:

    mkdir Dir1
    mkdir Dir2
  3. Go to Dir1 and create DirA and DirB:

    cd Dir1
    mkdir DirA
    mkdir DirB
  4. Go back to the main branch and go to Dir2, then create Dirc and Dird:

    cd ..
    cd Dir2
    mkdir Dirc
    mkdir Dird
  5. Go to DirA and create File1 and File2:

    cd ../Dir1/DirA
    touch File1
    touch File2
  6. Go back to Dir1 and select DirB, then create File3 and File4:

    cd ..
    cd DirB
    touch File3
    touch File4
  7. Go back to the main branch and select DirC, then create File5 and File6:

    cd ../../
    cd Dir2/Dirc
    touch File5
    touch File6
  8. Go back to the main branch and select DirD, then create File7 and File8:

    cd ../../
    cd Dir2/Dird
    touch File7
    touch File8
