DevOps CICD Pipeline A Step-by-Step Tutorial 1. Git Cloning & CICD Pipeline using Jenkins

Creating a DevOps CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline using Jenkins and Git involves several steps. Here's a high-level, step-by-step tutorial:

Step 1: Prerequisites

Ensure you have a Jenkins server set up and running.

Have a Git repository with your application code.

Step 2: Jenkins Configuration

Install necessary plugins: In Jenkins, go to "Manage Jenkins" > "Manage Plugins" and install plugins like Git, Pipeline, and any other plugins required for your project.

Set up Jenkins credentials: Configure credentials to access your Git repository and any other required services. Go to "Manage Jenkins" > "Manage Credentials."

Step 3: Create a Jenkins Job

Click on "New Item" on the Jenkins dashboard.

Select "Pipeline" and give your job a name.

Under "Pipeline," choose the pipeline script option (e.g., Pipeline script from SCM).

Configure the source code management section to connect to your Git repository.

Define your pipeline script in the Jenkinsfile located in your repository. You can use a declarative pipeline or scripted pipeline based on your preference.

Step 4: Jenkinsfile Configuration

In your Jenkinsfile, define the stages of your CI/CD pipeline. Common stages include:

"Checkout": Clone the Git repository.

"Build": Compile and package your application.

"Test": Run tests to validate your code.

"Deploy": Deploy your application to a testing/staging environment.

"Promote": Promote your application to production.

"Cleanup": Clean up after the pipeline completes.

Use the "node" block to allocate resources for each stage. For example:

  1. Copy the code
    node { // Stage configuration }

Use Jenkins plugins or custom scripts to perform tasks like Docker builds, Maven builds, and deployments.

Step 5: Trigger the Pipeline

Save your Jenkins job configuration.

Manually trigger the job or set up webhooks to trigger it automatically on code changes.

Step 6: Monitor and Optimize

Once the pipeline runs, monitor the Jenkins console output for any issues.

Use Jenkins dashboards and plugins to monitor and visualize the pipeline's status and performance.

Continuously optimize your pipeline by improving build times, reducing manual intervention, and enhancing testing and deployment processes.

Remember that this is a simplified tutorial, and your actual CI/CD pipeline may have more complexity and specific requirements. Customize the Jenkinsfile and pipeline stages to suit your project's needs and adapt the CI/CD process to your application's stack and deployment targets.

